It’s not always about trying to fix something broken

An Online Counselling, Confession & Distant Energy Healing Center

It’s not always about trying to fix something broken

It's not always about trying to fix something broken

It’s not always about trying to fix something broken…

Maybe it’s not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something better. 
Sometimes once broken can’t be fixed, but l am a believer. Always look for the best and give your best, but I’m a believer in love, just always remember who you give your love to. It’s sad when you give your love to someone who doesn’t know the first thing about love. ~ Janet Hardwick 
If you forgive what broke and learn from it you might be able to start anew and learn from those mistakes. I think that’s how marriages get to 67 years. You let go of the broken sharp hurts and build on a better relationship. If you hang onto the broken bits you’ll surely cut yourself trying to fix it. ~ Maria McCrohan 
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