Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone

An Online Counselling, Confession & Distant Energy Healing Center

Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone

Don’t cry over the past but remember it and the lessons learned from it! Don’t stress about the future but make sure that you invest for it, with both money and good memories!

If you have one foot in yesterday and one in tomorrow you don’t have one in TODAY.

You are on your way to make things happen courageous. You are strong, determined and have a goal or vision in mind. You’re already well down the track. Just keep on the track, expect success. 

Some of us keep living in the past, the past is gone, the future still to come, live in the presence and enjoy all what life have to offer, be great full for everything you have, every day is a bonus. Be happy, happiness is for free! ~ Aida Nejim 

Sometimes we get so caught up worrying about the past thinking what could I have done or we get caught you worrying about a future that is constantly changing that we forget the only time we truly live in is the present. ~ Kristian Scimeca 


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