Parental Connection Healing Session

Parental Connection Healing Session

Session Length: 1 Hours

Price: $49


Working on the parental connections within your energy fields can help enhance the energy flows between you and your parents, or between you and your own children. Right from birth We develop energy connections with our parents whether biological parents or adoptive parents, or foster parents. These  connections can effect us in all areas of our life either positively or negatively.

Your parental connections have been established for many years and has already influenced you significantly in your life. The parental Connection Healing session is geared towards enhancing the positive connections and repair the negative ones. The result is life changing for the better and move forward in life.

The Parental Connection Healing is needed if you are dealing with issues from your parents or your children which negatively impact you or you wish to enhance the positive parental connections in your life.

This will help correct all past imprints, controlling factors, dominance issues, communication concerns, trust issues etc on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. This is a total healing session between you and your parents or between you and your children.

Each healing session includes working with all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels based on our experience designed to work on the appropriate areas of disturbed energy fields affected by negative influences. We employ combination of different energy techniques which heal affected areas, release previous negative influences filling them with positive energy.

If you have any questions prior to healing session or any other related questions feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We shall try to contact you by email as early as possible.